Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Looking Forward to 2016

Another year.  They do seem to go by a little quicker each year.  Maybe Winter will too.

Last month we took our first animal to our new meat processor, Cabool Kountry Meat.  Our customers seemed to be pleased with the different packaging look;  I do not want to confuse anyone as it is still vacuum wrapped.  The beef was nice and lean dressing out at about 61 %.  We are currently planning on harvesting our next beef around the end of March.

It is Winter calving time and we have two new ones this month;  the next few months should see several more.

In the meantime we still have the 31 springer heifers for sale.  They should start calving in March.

In the absence of any more news I’ll bring this to a close and wish everyone all the best.